The Hiding Place-Corrie ten Boom
Hodder & Stoughton Ltd (November 18, 2004)
ISBN-13: 978-0340863534
This is a touching story about the faithful life of Corrie and her family, described how they save the life of their Jewish friends and neighbors during Nazis occupied their country in World war II. I do remember a small fragment of the story.
When Corrie as a little girl she accompanies her dad on the train to other cities. It was too heavy for her to carry up the baggage to the luggage rack. Her dad picks up the luggage at once from little Corrie’s hand and said:
“Something / Some knowledge is too heavy…you cannot bear it…your Father will carry it until you are able.”
It’s true we can’t bear any but our heaven father Lord God will help you carry the heavy load.
Lady in Waiting
Jones & Kendall Treasure House 2001
ISBN 1-56043-848-7
I treasured the moment when I’m reading the book. Just because I can know more my true love my soul mate, who is the only one fulfilled in my life-The, Lord Jesus
“Fulfillment for a Christian woman begins with the Lordship of Chris in every area of her life. A college professor told a group of young women that when she was eight years old, her mother told her a secret that has guided her perspective on life. The most important thing her mother would ever tell her was, “No one, not even the man you will marry one day, can make you happy-Only Jesus can.” P.2
The same statement of my niece which reminds me. My sister told me after they went to a wedding ceremony, my 4 years old niece “Ale” start to daydreaming and asking my sister” Can she marry to his little neighbor, who she like” my sister educated her at once God will arrange…
“Your hope cannot be put in some dreamed-up future. It must be in the God who knows your past, present, and future, and loves you enough to give you the best.” P.40 Throughout the book, I’m deeply glorifying my heavenly God. How can I standing firm during my single life under the love of God!
”The Pearl
In every oyster there lies the ability to produce something rare.
Truth like a grain of sand will produce the pearl that is hidden there.
The young woman, you are often mocked and scorned.
And told you never should have been born.
You want to run away, to hide your hurt.
Your heart is wounded, bleeding and torn.
God makes not mistakes
every life is special,
every life is planned.
Seeds and sprout are sand.
Open yourselves up to the Spirit of God.
Grow in grace and maturity.
Be what he wants you to be.
Your beauty your strength lies deep within you.
A young woman, your girl, open you up to God.
Allow Him to reveal your pearl.”
Sylvia Hannah
I’m prayed as Cindy Jordan Teldewerth’s letter “God just as you put Adam to sleep until the perfect one for him, he was ready to meet, so put me and my desires to sleep until I too am ready to know the one you have chosen for me”
“Surely you’re joking, Mr. Feynman!”
Feynman, Richard Phillips
W.W. Norton & Company, Inc 1985
ISBN 0-393-31604-1
As you know Feynman is a winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics. He is a genius in science, however, lack of complicated essay or knowledge in his wording. But we would gain a lot of sensibility and humorous stuff from his experience and journey. Such as his childhood story of fixes radios by thinking; drumming experience in Brazil; his talent in painting, etc. A friend of mine, Lena. She loves Feynman very much and read the whole of his publications. She used to share for me how interested of his mind. Surly, Feynman is a funny and creative physicist. Some of his experience makes me laugh always.
The Hiding Place-Corrie ten Boom
Hodder & Stoughton Ltd (November 18, 2004)
ISBN-13: 978-0340863534
This is a touching story about the faithful life of Corrie and her family, described how they save the life of their Jewish friends and neighbors during Nazis occupied their country in World war II. I do remember a small fragment of the story.
When Corrie as a little girl she accompanies her dad on the train to other cities. It was too heavy for her to carry up the baggage to the luggage rack. Her dad picks up the luggage at once from little Corrie’s hand and said:
“Something / Some knowledge is too heavy…you cannot bear it…your Father will carry it until you are able.”
It’s true we can’t bear any but our heaven father Lord God will help you carry the heavy load.
Lady in Waiting
Jones & Kendall Treasure House 2001
ISBN 1-56043-848-7
I treasured the moment when I’m reading the book. Just because I can know more my true love my soul mate, who is the only one fulfilled in my life-The, Lord Jesus
“Fulfillment for a Christian woman begins with the Lordship of Chris in every area of her life. A college professor told a group of young women that when she was eight years old, her mother told her a secret that has guided her perspective on life. The most important thing her mother would ever tell her was, “No one, not even the man you will marry one day, can make you happy-Only Jesus can.” P.2
The same statement of my niece which reminds me. My sister told me after they went to a wedding ceremony, my 4 years old niece “Ale” start to daydreaming and asking my sister” Can she marry to his little neighbor, who she like” my sister educated her at once God will arrange…
“Your hope cannot be put in some dreamed-up future. It must be in the God who knows your past, present, and future, and loves you enough to give you the best.” P.40 Throughout the book, I’m deeply glorifying my heavenly God. How can I standing firm during my single life under the love of God!
”The Pearl
In every oyster there lies the ability to produce something rare.
Truth like a grain of sand will produce the pearl that is hidden there.
The young woman, you are often mocked and scorned.
And told you never should have been born.
You want to run away, to hide your hurt.
Your heart is wounded, bleeding and torn.
God makes not mistakes
every life is special,
every life is planned.
Seeds and sprout are sand.
Open yourselves up to the Spirit of God.
Grow in grace and maturity.
Be what he wants you to be.
Your beauty your strength lies deep within you.
A young woman, your girl, open you up to God.
Allow Him to reveal your pearl.”
Sylvia Hannah
I’m prayed as Cindy Jordan Teldewerth’s letter “God just as you put Adam to sleep until the perfect one for him, he was ready to meet, so put me and my desires to sleep until I too am ready to know the one you have chosen for me”
Little Price-小王子
小王子是我初中時愛看的書, 當時還以為是兒童漫畫奇遇記之類別, 並不是那麼深刻。現在長大了再看1974小王子電影版時, 真的令人感動 – 描述從小孩子角度理解不同愛, 友誼 – 是深具意義重量的文學。
“Surely you’re joking, Mr. Feynman!”
& Company, Inc 1985
Feynman, Richard Phillips
W.W. Norton
ISBN 0-393-31604-1
As you know Feynman is a winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics. He is a genius in science, however, lack of complicated essay or knowledge in his wording. But we would gain a lot of sensibility and humorous stuff from his experience and journey. Such as his childhood story of fixes radios by thinking; drumming experience in Brazil; his talent in painting, etc. A friend of mine, Lena. She loves Feynman very much and read the whole of his publications. She used to share for me how interested of his mind. Surly, Feynman is a funny and creative physicist. Some of his experience makes me laugh always.