Here are some of my favorite books. The topic included music, emotional intelligence, personal growth and any testimony stories to inspire learning, development, and well-being. Hope you enjoy as well.
Below 100 good books list recommend by Doctor Yu. ( EQ/AQ Expert)
I could spend the rest of my life reading….
Before You Get Engaged,by David Gudgel
Delight In Your Child’s Design,by Laurie Winslow
Emotional Intelligence,by Daniel Goleman
5 Essentials For Lifelong Intimacy,by Dr James Dobson
Fantastic After 40,by Pam Farrel
Fit for Success,by Dr.James M.Rippe’s
Good Value,by Gotham
God is Your Matchmaker,by Stephanie Herzog
God,what am I doing wrong?by Clive O’Brien.
100 Greatest Ideasfor being a brilliant manager,by John Adair
Happy People,by David Niven
He Still Moves Stones,by Max Lucado
It Starts At Home,by Kurt Bruner
Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage,Mark Gungor
Leadingwith Emotional Intelligence,by Nadler
Live Like You Mean It,by Eric Delve
Looking Forward to the Rest of Your Life,by Lutz
Losing Control & Liking It,by Tim Sanford
Love as a Way of Life,by Gary Chapman
Magic Trees of the Mind,by Marian Diamond
Managing Stress,by Ursula Markham
Once Upon A Midlife,by Allan Chinen
Overcoming Emotions That Destroy,by D.Johnston
5 Paths To The Love of Your Life,by Alex Chediax
Parenting Is Heart Work,by Dr Scott Turansky
Perfect Confidence,by Jan Ferguson
Positive Affect as a source of Human Strength,by Isen
Reflections for Busy People,by O’ Collins
Reframe Your Life,byStephen Arterburn
6Rules Every Man Must Break,by Bill Perkins
60 Second Stress Management,by Dr.Andrew Goliszek
Social Intelligence,by Daniel Goleman
Smart Girls Think Twice,by Jan Silvious
Teaching Your Children Values,by Richard Eyre
The Art of Being You,by Bob Kilpatrick
The Art of Talking to Anyone by Rosalie Maggio
The EQ Edge:Emotional Intelligence and Your Success by Steven J.Stein
The Fine Art of Confident Conversation,by Debra Fine
The Gift of Grief,by Matthew D. Gewirtz
The Law of Happiness by Dr.Henry Cloud
The Peacemaker,by Ken Sande
The Power of Commitment,by Scott M. Stanley
The Power of Now,by EckhartTolle
The Search for Satisfaction,by McKinley
The Three Faces of Mind,by Elaine De Beauport
There’s a Teenager in My House,by Wayne Rice
101 things I wish I knew when I got married,by Linda &Charlie Bloom
my sharing
Here are some of my favorite books. The topic included music, emotional intelligence, personal growth and any testimony stories to inspire learning, development, and well-being. Hope you enjoy as well.
I could spend the rest of my life reading….