“Think about the people you have met before, who have influenced you in your life?” Thank you to those who have impacted our lives and made our lives better. They could be teachers, friends or any happy/celebrity. For me, I spent hours thinking about it… Finally, I found that I, myself… People I respect:
Sandra Wright Shen
She is a Taiwanese pianist, and after listening to her concerts, I completely respect her philosophy throughout her music – a gift from God. She shares beautiful life stories, including those of herself and all classical composers. Her ability to touch hearts with her music and through her sweet, positive spirit has audiences around the world calling her an “angel.”
Doctor Charles Yu Who is an expert in EQ/SQ/AQ? When I was unemployed a few years ago, I kept listening to his sharing through youtube. This has been a great outlet for me to think positively and rely on God for guidance in my unemployed life.
I’ve been taking his classes for two years now and I’ve learned a lot about how to balance my emotional intelligence well when dealing with friends, family, and the office. and figure out my personality, personal growth, and family of origin issues. It was a huge revolution that changed and rebuilt my life.
Chi Chiu
He is my mentor and personal growth teacher. I strive to break through myself. I am a laid-back and passive person. I need people to inspire and encourage me. Thank God He sent me a professional angel to guide me in releasing and letting go of anything that was not worth it to me. This is a very difficult time to step out of your comfort zone, but I know that with God’s help anything is possible.
Over the past few years, I remember praying to God to give up on me and not care about me. I know that all things are possible for Him, but for myself, my faith is very small, like the size of a tiny seed, how can I learn what the Bible says in Matthew 17:20, “Jesus was They say, Because you have little faith, truly I say to you, if you had faith as a mustard seed, you would say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it will be removed; and it will be nothing to you. It’s impossible. But God is great and He knows what is good for me and when I am ready to receive His lectures and He never gives up on me and draws my attention to work with Him. I am always amazed by God. Will accompany me to break through what I have been doing for the past few months.
這個開心難忘的意大利旅程, 沿自讀書時的一些深刻印象, 一套由Julian Sands及Helena Bonham Carter主演的”A Room with a view”和著名畫家黃永玉所寫的”沿着塞納河到翡冷翠”令我對意大利有着很多深刻的印象. 在旅途上往往認識一些交情短而印象難忘的朋友.
Italy comes from my first impression of “A Room with a view” acted by Julian Sands and Helena and a book “From Senna rive to Firenze “written by a famous Chinese painter Wong Wing Suk. That was when I am only a teenage student. And after travel in Italy. I get to know more about this country. From the journey. I met some friends, though we don’t know much about each other, I am deeply impressed.
come from France, we met each other when she arrived only 2 weeks. She’s aged about 40-50 and live next to me. Every day, I saw her wearing a long flare monotone shirk. Matched with her silky hair color. This always reminds me of some cartoon depicting the live style of 18-19th century that I saw when I was young. She is always very quite and artistic. When we talk to each other. She likes to use body language or gesture, and reply in Italian, not quite like to use English. When the two of us were both cooking in the public kitchen., a Italian dictionary was a must. So as to communicate to each other. In the evening, I can hear her sounding voice from every Key of Scales . It must be Anna practicing since she is a vocalist. The building were living in has a patio in the center. So a little bit of sound or noise would be heard clearly. But because her voice is soft and pleasant, it won’t be annoying compare with the one live upstairs who always play electric music, the sound made by Anna was nice and elegant. Her singing and her peaceful and quite character, always keeps in my mind.
Frances Lansing
是來自美國 紐約的畫家, 我們的認識在漂亮的Chianciano . 她的畫室與田原生活, 真的令人羨慕. 這個星期我們參觀, 及考察過很多不同的花園. Lecina, La Foce.而Frances則居於Chianciano的Bosco de La Ragmaia. 整個Bosco de La Ragmaia伴着小山而建, 被四面青蔥的樹林與起伏不平的山丘所包圍. 由男主人帶領我們參觀, 他正興建中的花園, 他是已退休的教授, 享受着平靜的生活, 整個花園的興建無論是噴泉水利的問題, 植樹的安排以至一沙一石.只有他與助手一人工作. 雖然整個花園的地盤, 只完成一小部份,
is a painter from N.Y. We know each other in the beautiful place Chianciano, where she has her own studio and country living. I really envy her. This week, we visit quite a lot garden, Lecina, La Foce. Frances live in Bosco de La Ragmaia in Chianciano. This was built on hillslope. Surrounded by greenery. The house owner guide our visit. He is now building a garden. After retired from a Professor. He enjoy the peaceful live style. From the building of a fountain the positioning of plants a stone or even sands, he work with one worker. What we see now is only a construction site, but surely there will be a pretty garden in the future.He explained things patiently. Afterward he show us his and artistic house, surrounded by garden and pools. Keren who is my classmates deeply impressed by the swimming pool. So she cann’t help but jump in the water. From the place, we can enjoy the magnificent view of Chianciano countryside. Frances shows us her artwork and her spacious studio, every kinds of artwork from oil paint, portraits. some finished and others still working on. From her work , we know more about her style and viewpoints . We can learn from that tips. Frances is a friendly and open-minded person. Always with a smile as shiny as the sun. She gave us her art publication with her blessing for us.
今天我的節目真是豐富.遊玩Lucca, Torre de Lago以後 從 Torre de Lago 乘火車回 Firenze時差不多九時多. 正想着到那裡吃東西…..還是回家煮東西吃時. 從火車站回家的途中. 碰見上意大利文班的同學 Clark . 他也正尋找吃東西的地方. 我們便一起到位於 Piazza Santo Spirito 的 Osteria Santo Spirito 吃晚飯. Piazza Santo Spirito 廣場內有很多餐廳供選擇, 就在我住的 Appartamento 後面街.住了差不多一個星期也沒發現這個Piazza Santo Spirito.可能我住的地方對面是著名的 Palazzo Pitti 博物館, 所以便忽略了後面街這個小廣場. 我們很開心吃了一頓豐富美味的晚餐. 便結束了今天快樂的旅程.
is my schoolmate. He is a gentle and tidy guy. Both study Italian at Scuola Lenardo da Vinci – Frienze. We are study in differience class. But met each other always, from the dinner. We know each other more deeply. Time is almost 9 when I went back from Torre de Lago to Frienze. Just thinking of the right place to have dinner…. eating out or cooking at home? I’m suprise of met Clark on the way. He is also trying to find something to eat. So we are go to Osteria Santo Spirito in Piazza Santo Spirito. Located at the back of the appartamento I live, there are a lot of restaurants in the Piazza Santo Spirito. Might be because my focus is always on the famos museum Plalazz Pitti in front of our appartamento , I ignore this tiny plaza at our back. A satisfying dinner end the day.
“Think about the people you have met before, who have influenced you in your life?” Thank you to those who have impacted our lives and made our lives better. They could be teachers, friends or any happy/celebrity. For me, I spent hours thinking about it… Finally, I found that I, myself… People I respect:
Sandra Wright Shen
She is a Taiwanese pianist, and after listening to her concerts, I completely respect her philosophy throughout her music – a gift from God. She shares beautiful life stories, including those of herself and all classical composers. Her ability to touch hearts with her music and through her sweet, positive spirit has audiences around the world calling her an “angel.”
Doctor Charles Yu
Who is an expert in EQ/SQ/AQ? When I was unemployed a few years ago, I kept listening to his sharing through youtube. This has been a great outlet for me to think positively and rely on God for guidance in my unemployed life.
I’ve been taking his classes for two years now and I’ve learned a lot about how to balance my emotional intelligence well when dealing with friends, family, and the office. and figure out my personality, personal growth, and family of origin issues. It was a huge revolution that changed and rebuilt my life.
Chi Chiu
He is my mentor and personal growth teacher. I strive to break through myself. I am a laid-back and passive person. I need people to inspire and encourage me. Thank God He sent me a professional angel to guide me in releasing and letting go of anything that was not worth it to me. This is a very difficult time to step out of your comfort zone, but I know that with God’s help anything is possible.
Over the past few years, I remember praying to God to give up on me and not care about me. I know that all things are possible for Him, but for myself, my faith is very small, like the size of a tiny seed, how can I learn what the Bible says in Matthew 17:20, “Jesus was They say, Because you have little faith, truly I say to you, if you had faith as a mustard seed, you would say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it will be removed; and it will be nothing to you. It’s impossible. But God is great and He knows what is good for me and when I am ready to receive His lectures and He never gives up on me and draws my attention to work with Him. I am always amazed by God. Will accompany me to break through what I have been doing for the past few months.
這個開心難忘的意大利旅程, 沿自讀書時的一些深刻印象, 一套由Julian Sands及Helena Bonham Carter主演的”A Room with a view”和著名畫家黃永玉所寫的”沿着塞納河到翡冷翠”令我對意大利有着很多深刻的印象. 在旅途上往往認識一些交情短而印象難忘的朋友.
Italy comes from my first impression of “A Room with a view” acted by Julian Sands and Helena and a book “From Senna rive to Firenze “written by a famous Chinese painter Wong Wing Suk. That was when I am only a teenage student. And after travel in Italy. I get to know more about this country. From the journey. I met some friends, though we don’t know much about each other, I am deeply impressed.
Anna 來了兩星期的Anna來自法國, 大約30-40多歲, 每天她總是穿著長長的圓枱裙, 顏色偏沉實,配著她那白而帶銀的髻, 活像小時侯看過的卡通片, 描述於19-20世紀歐洲的生活. 當然她的平靜, 而帶點藝術家氣質也包括在內,與她談天時, 總以身體語言及意大利文回答. 並不太喜歡說英語. 每當我們在公用廚房吃我們各自煮的晚飯時, 我們也必定帶意大利文字典以方便溝通. 在黃昏時, 從她的房間會聽到悅耳的歌聲, 從音階中的各個音調, 她也練習一番, 那是由於她是一位聲樂教師原故. 由於建築關係, 我們各層的房間是圍繞著天井而建. 所以無論任何大小聲浪, 也會很清楚聽到. 但話雖如此, Anna的聲浪也不太刺耳, 相比於我抵達的最初一星期, 於上層的同學所播放的電子音樂真令人刺耳, 使人難以入睡 . Ama 的歌聲,與平淡文情的性格, 令我印象深刻.
come from France, we met each other when she arrived only 2 weeks. She’s aged about 40-50 and live next to me. Every day, I saw her wearing a long flare monotone shirk. Matched with her silky hair color. This always reminds me of some cartoon depicting the live style of 18-19th century that I saw when I was young. She is always very quite and artistic. When we talk to each other. She likes to use body language or gesture, and reply in Italian, not quite like to use English. When the two of us were both cooking in the public kitchen., a Italian dictionary was a must. So as to communicate to each other. In the evening, I can hear her sounding voice from every Key of Scales . It must be Anna practicing since she is a vocalist. The building were living in has a patio in the center. So a little bit of sound or noise would be heard clearly. But because her voice is soft and pleasant, it won’t be annoying compare with the one live upstairs who always play electric music, the sound made by Anna was nice and elegant. Her singing and her peaceful and quite character, always keeps in my mind.
Frances Lansing

是來自美國 紐約的畫家, 我們的認識在漂亮的Chianciano . 她的畫室與田原生活, 真的令人羨慕. 這個星期我們參觀, 及考察過很多不同的花園. Lecina, La Foce.而Frances則居於Chianciano的Bosco de La Ragmaia. 整個Bosco de La Ragmaia伴着小山而建, 被四面青蔥的樹林與起伏不平的山丘所包圍. 由男主人帶領我們參觀, 他正興建中的花園, 他是已退休的教授, 享受着平靜的生活, 整個花園的興建無論是噴泉水利的問題, 植樹的安排以至一沙一石.只有他與助手一人工作. 雖然整個花園的地盤, 只完成一小部份,
但想必也是一個優美的園林花園. 我們聽過他詳盡的解釋與介紹後,再步行至山上的大宅,參觀設計簡約而富藝術氣質的大宅,四周的園林, 花圃,小菜田,泳池等. 而 Keren 深被泳池吸也跳進泳池享受一番. 從這個位置可飽覽四周綠柔柔的Chianciano的鄉野景色. Frances帶我們參觀她的畫作, 還有她那寬闊高深的畫室, 各種名類的畫作, 從油畫, 素描, 板畫.完成與未完成的畫作, 可體會她作畫的思路與心得. Frances 是一位開朗平易近人的畫家, 常掛着陽光燦爛的笑容, 臨走時她送給我們她的畫冊,為我們各人寫下祝福作紀念.
is a painter from N.Y. We know each other in the beautiful place Chianciano, where she has her own studio and country living. I really envy her. This week, we visit quite a lot garden, Lecina, La Foce. Frances live in Bosco de La Ragmaia in Chianciano. This was built on hillslope. Surrounded by greenery. The house owner guide our visit. He is now building a garden. After retired from a Professor. He enjoy the peaceful live style. From the building of a fountain the positioning of plants a stone or even sands, he work with one worker. What we see now is only a construction site, but surely there will be a pretty garden in the future.He explained things patiently. Afterward he show us his and artistic house, surrounded by garden and pools. Keren who is my classmates deeply impressed by the swimming pool. So she cann’t help but jump in the water. From the place, we can enjoy the magnificent view of Chianciano countryside. Frances shows us her artwork and her spacious studio, every kinds of artwork from oil paint, portraits. some finished and others still working on. From her work , we know more about her style and viewpoints . We can learn from that tips. Frances is a friendly and open-minded person. Always with a smile as shiny as the sun. She gave us her art publication with her blessing for us.

今天我的節目真是豐富.遊玩Lucca, Torre de Lago以後 從 Torre de Lago 乘火車回 Firenze時差不多九時多. 正想着到那裡吃東西…..還是回家煮東西吃時. 從火車站回家的途中. 碰見上意大利文班的同學 Clark . 他也正尋找吃東西的地方. 我們便一起到位於 Piazza Santo Spirito 的 Osteria Santo Spirito 吃晚飯. Piazza Santo Spirito 廣場內有很多餐廳供選擇, 就在我住的 Appartamento 後面街.住了差不多一個星期也沒發現這個Piazza Santo Spirito.可能我住的地方對面是著名的 Palazzo Pitti 博物館, 所以便忽略了後面街這個小廣場. 我們很開心吃了一頓豐富美味的晚餐. 便結束了今天快樂的旅程.
is my schoolmate. He is a gentle and tidy guy. Both study Italian at Scuola Lenardo da Vinci – Frienze. We are study in differience class. But met each other always, from the dinner. We know each other more deeply. Time is almost 9 when I went back from Torre de Lago to Frienze. Just thinking of the right place to have dinner…. eating out or cooking at home? I’m suprise of met Clark on the way. He is also trying to find something to eat. So we are go to Osteria Santo Spirito in Piazza Santo Spirito. Located at the back of the appartamento I live, there are a lot of restaurants in the Piazza Santo Spirito. Might be because my focus is always on the famos museum Plalazz Pitti in front of our appartamento , I ignore this tiny plaza at our back. A satisfying dinner end the day.