Torre de Lago;是著名作曲家Puccini晚年的居所.Giacomo Puccini 生於1858,自1891年定居於55048 TORRE DEL LAGO PUCCIN.Madama Butterfly, Tosca, La Boheme就是他出名的歌劇作品. 現也成博物館的別墅面向著海,附近有Lago Massaciuccol鳥類及侯鳥保護區; 下了火車後我便洽著Via dei Tigl;這條壯麗的菩提大道到Puccini的故屋博物館去. 屋內一位有禮且優雅的女仕帶著我們一行不過10人的參觀團,靜悄悄的參觀每一角落.由屋外的花園進入大廳內. 牆上滿掛著他與友人及親人的生活照,還有油畫.經過火爐前,牆上掛著一大幅他生前最後的照片,我也連忙把頭上忘記放下的帽子,除下來以示尊敬. 廳內最吸引人注意的是他生前用過的鋼琴 Forster Pianoforte,近琴的工作上滿佈著生前所用過的物品. 而鋼琴背後連接著的房間就是他與妻子死後所安葬的地方.
Puccini 熱愛狩獵,其中一間的房間,就放滿了他狩獵用的各樣工具 Torre de Lago Puccini 是那樣的寧靜,安逸. 就是在這合適的環境下,他創作了無數優美與動人作品. 今天我的節目真是豐富. 從 Torre de Lago 乘火車回 Firenze時差不多九時多.正想到那裡吃東西…..還是回家煮東西吃時. 從火車站回家的途中.碰見上意大利文班的同學 Clark .他也正尋找吃東西的地方.我們便一起到位於 Piazza Santo Spirito 的 Osteria Santo Spirito 吃晚飯. Piazza Santo Spirito 廣場內有很多餐廳供選擇, 就在我住的 Appartamento 後面街.住了差不多一個星期也沒發現這個Piazza Santo Spirito.可能我住的地方對面是著名的 Palazzo Pitti 博物館, 所以便忽略了後面街這個小廣場. 我們很開心吃了一頓豐富美味的晚餐. 便結束了今天快樂的旅程.
In the morning, I go to Lucca with Tomoko, Yoko & Atsuke. This is a bad day for Tomoko because she lost her handbag in the Frienze railway station when we bought ticket. The bag that was put near her leg disappeared suddenly. We tried to report this to the policeman in the station. But he said this was not his duty.
The only thing we can do is to find a bigger police station. And when we mention this accident through the walkie-talkie. They said because it was Sunday. The Police Station is on holiday In the end, we have to wait for a working day to report a crime. This is totally incredible, if there’ emergency. Who’s going to help. All we can do is going back to the railway station. Tomoko was unhappy, but luckily she only lost the dictionary and some clothes. It seems she learn after that. Because she looks bulky every time I saw her later on. She always carry her bag inside her blouse.
After traveling Lucca. I have to say goodbye to them.They are going to Pisa, because I’ve already visit the place with Gloria, so I plan to go to Torre de Lage. Torre de Lago was the place where famous composer Piccini spent his elder live. Borned in 1858. Giacomo Puccini wrote the world renown “Madama Butterfly, La Boheme, Tosca. Now this sea-facing villa become a museum . Nearby attraction including Lago Massaciuccol birds conservation area. Coming out from the railway station, I take Via dei Tigl, a grand avenue leading my way to Puccini’s museum. An elegant lady lead our group of 5 people and explaining everything in detail.
From living room to backyard, photos with friends and relatives and personal protrude decorate the walls. Oil paint in front of the fire place, and his last photo taken. To show my salutude. I take off my hat. The most attractive thing in the living room is his piano Forster Pianoforte. Things he used were put on a writing desk nearby. The room next to the piano is the place where Puccini rest forever. Puccini loves hunting, so in one of the room, we can see lots of tools for hunting. Torre de Lago is such a peaceful and cozy place.
Which was also the best environment that Puccini finished lots of tasteful and touching master pieces. Today is a fruitful day. Time is almost 9 when I went back from Torre de Lago to Frienze. Just thinking of the right place to have dinner…. eating out or cooking at home? I met our classmate on the way. He is also trying to find something to eat. So we are go to Osteria Santo Spirito in Piazza Santo Spirito. Located at the back of the appartamento I live, there are a lot of restaurants in the Piazza Santo Spirito. Might be because my focus is always on the famos museum Plalazz Pitti in front of our appartamento , I ignore this tiny plaza at our back. A satisfying dinner end the day.
Surrounded by Sienese, Montagnola and Metalliferous Hill, Radicondoli is a small village in South west Siena, one of the big city of Toscanna central Italy. It only takes 2 to 3 hours to travel around Radicondoli.
Although it is small, Radicondli was once the handicraft center during the Middle Age, densely populated, highly commercial In 1300s, the Traders for wool even set up their own franchised business.
We spend one month living in Hotel Verde Ouise, it is a 3- storey modern house. Gloria, at the age of a grandmum, and Lizzie a fresh graduate from University are my roommates.
When I have spare time in the morning, I enjoy spending time outside our house. Where there is a small hill. I would take a small table and a chair, good place for writing dairy, postcard and enjoy the view, the pretty little villages and undulating hills, the shape of the house and the trees are lovely.
If no field trip, our working place was a monastery in the village. Through the windows of this big room, we can see different parts of this countryside, as well as the backyard, garden of the monastery , and the most typical tree of Toscanna.
La Pergola, a place where we have our dinner almost every night , sits outside which is the best place to enjoy the sun-set, where growing grapes in jade color hanging from above, we watching the sun disappearing from the horizon, while enjoy our food.
At the end of July is a festival in Radicondoli. Everywhere in the village, there are sculpture and performance art decoration.
With abstract art piece mixing with the old -style stone house, the outcome was amazingly harmonious.
Assis是聖方濟(San Francesco)出生地, 而他死後葬於Basilia di San Francesco 這座仿羅馬哥德式大教堂,是一座宏偉的大教堂, 有無數頂尖藝術家的裝飾工作及溼壁畫. 從Via Maria dele Rose前往偉大的城寨Rocca Maggiore 1367年重建至今, 雖然仿如荒廢的城堡, 但遊覽時令人有一份動人, 幽情可憐的感覺.這是給我最難忘的印象. 在這個四通八達荒廢的古堡中,仿佛回到中世紀時代中,通過一條長達十數秒的紛暗長廊,才可摸黑踏上柒黑一片的石梯,
This morning , I wake up to prepare for today’s journey. I go to Firenze railway station to buy ticket to Assia and Spoteto. Right now, I’m waiting for the train, to day’s journey start at 11:03am.
Situated in Toscanna of central Italy. Assia is a beautiful small town in the countryside with magnificent scenery. Assis was the birth place of San Francesco. And he was buried in Basilia di San Francesco, a Gothic Church decorated with art pieces and mosaic murals by many great artists.
I walk along Via Maria dele Rose, the road led to Mocca Maggiore, Rebuilt since 1367. Rocca Maggiore still looks remote. Peace in my mind, with a little bit of sadess was what I feel when travelling in the castle, there was a very good network of road inside the castle. It just like going back to the medieval period because I have to walk in total darkness. Little by little, I am proceeding up stair. Luckily one visitor brought a lighter and that’s become our guiding light. This is worth trying because we can see such a beautiful scene. It just like being in fairy tale world. I took lots of photos here.
The travel guide book doesn’t say that much about Assis, and the suggested travel time is only half day. But when I am actually there. I think this is such a nice place that the worth spending more time in . So finally I cancelled the ticket to Spoleto and stay much longer in Assis. 5:33 pm

今天早上與 Tomoko, Yoko 及 Atsuko 一起到 Lucca. 但不幸地在Frienze火車站購物車票期間Tomoko放在腳間的袋在轉瞬間不見了.我們在火車站內尋找,由於火車站內的警 說”在此不能備案” 所以我們惟有到市中心較大的警局去,按門鐘時.他們透過對講機通知我們.由於是星期天,所以警局是放假的,我們只好留待下星期的工作天再來. 真奇怪,若有緊急的事.真不知怎辦了.我們 惟有帶著急速的步伐,截返火車站去. Tomoko雖然很不開心,但幸好她被偷的袋中只有意大利文字典和衣服.這次事以後, 每次見到Tomoko. 她的上身總是肥胖胖的,經過這次教罰後她總是把袋子背在襯衣內.遊玩Lucca以後,我便與她們告別, 她們到Pisa 去. 而我在上月已與Gloria 遊玩Pisa.所以便到 Torre de Lago 去.
Torre de Lago;是著名作曲家Puccini晚年的居所.Giacomo Puccini 生於1858,自1891年定居於55048 TORRE DEL LAGO PUCCIN.Madama Butterfly, Tosca, La Boheme就是他出名的歌劇作品. 現也成博物館的別墅面向著海,附近有Lago Massaciuccol鳥類及侯鳥保護區; 下了火車後我便洽著Via dei Tigl;這條壯麗的菩提大道到Puccini的故屋博物館去. 屋內一位有禮且優雅的女仕帶著我們一行不過10人的參觀團,靜悄悄的參觀每一角落.由屋外的花園進入大廳內. 牆上滿掛著他與友人及親人的生活照,還有油畫.經過火爐前,牆上掛著一大幅他生前最後的照片,我也連忙把頭上忘記放下的帽子,除下來以示尊敬. 廳內最吸引人注意的是他生前用過的鋼琴 Forster Pianoforte,近琴的工作上滿佈著生前所用過的物品. 而鋼琴背後連接著的房間就是他與妻子死後所安葬的地方.
Puccini 熱愛狩獵,其中一間的房間,就放滿了他狩獵用的各樣工具 Torre de Lago Puccini 是那樣的寧靜,安逸. 就是在這合適的環境下,他創作了無數優美與動人作品. 今天我的節目真是豐富. 從 Torre de Lago 乘火車回 Firenze時差不多九時多.正想到那裡吃東西…..還是回家煮東西吃時. 從火車站回家的途中.碰見上意大利文班的同學 Clark .他也正尋找吃東西的地方.我們便一起到位於 Piazza Santo Spirito 的 Osteria Santo Spirito 吃晚飯. Piazza Santo Spirito 廣場內有很多餐廳供選擇, 就在我住的 Appartamento 後面街.住了差不多一個星期也沒發現這個Piazza Santo Spirito.可能我住的地方對面是著名的 Palazzo Pitti 博物館, 所以便忽略了後面街這個小廣場. 我們很開心吃了一頓豐富美味的晚餐. 便結束了今天快樂的旅程.
In the morning, I go to Lucca with Tomoko, Yoko & Atsuke. This is a bad day for Tomoko because she lost her handbag in the Frienze railway station when we bought ticket. The bag that was put near her leg disappeared suddenly. We tried to report this to the policeman in the station. But he said this was not his duty.
The only thing we can do is to find a bigger police station. And when we mention this accident through the walkie-talkie. They said because it was Sunday. The Police Station is on holiday In the end, we have to wait for a working day to report a crime. This is totally incredible, if there’ emergency. Who’s going to help. All we can do is going back to the railway station. Tomoko was unhappy, but luckily she only lost the dictionary and some clothes. It seems she learn after that. Because she looks bulky every time I saw her later on. She always carry her bag inside her blouse.
After traveling Lucca. I have to say goodbye to them.They are going to Pisa, because I’ve already visit the place with Gloria, so I plan to go to Torre de Lage. Torre de Lago was the place where famous composer Piccini spent his elder live. Borned in 1858. Giacomo Puccini wrote the world renown “Madama Butterfly, La Boheme, Tosca. Now this sea-facing villa become a museum . Nearby attraction including Lago Massaciuccol birds conservation area. Coming out from the railway station, I take Via dei Tigl, a grand avenue leading my way to Puccini’s museum. An elegant lady lead our group of 5 people and explaining everything in detail.
From living room to backyard, photos with friends and relatives and personal protrude decorate the walls. Oil paint in front of the fire place, and his last photo taken. To show my salutude. I take off my hat. The most attractive thing in the living room is his piano Forster Pianoforte. Things he used were put on a writing desk nearby. The room next to the piano is the place where Puccini rest forever. Puccini loves hunting, so in one of the room, we can see lots of tools for hunting. Torre de Lago is such a peaceful and cozy place.
Which was also the best environment that Puccini finished lots of tasteful and touching master pieces. Today is a fruitful day. Time is almost 9 when I went back from Torre de Lago to Frienze. Just thinking of the right place to have dinner…. eating out or cooking at home? I met our classmate on the way. He is also trying to find something to eat. So we are go to Osteria Santo Spirito in Piazza Santo Spirito. Located at the back of the appartamento I live, there are a lot of restaurants in the Piazza Santo Spirito. Might be because my focus is always on the famos museum Plalazz Pitti in front of our appartamento , I ignore this tiny plaza at our back. A satisfying dinner end the day.
Radicondoli 位於義大利中部Toscanna, 位於Toscnna 的大城鎮siena西南方, 是一個較細的小鎮, 不需2, 3小時已可遊畢. 雖然Radicondoli 是如此的細, 但在中世紀時是一個大形的手工藝品中心, 人口經濟稠密的地方 (在1300s, 羊毛商人共同擁有他們特許的羊毛生意) Radicondoli 這個自治區在廣闊的Sienese, Montagnola 和Metalliferous Hills 包圍. 在Hotel verde ouise,
我們住了一個月的時間, 那是一間三層高現代化的 房屋Gloria及Lizzie是我的roommates , Gloria是祖母的年齡, 而Lizzie則剛大學畢業. 早上若空閒時, 我總愛到屋外的一個小山丘上, 小山丘上 剛好容納一枱一椅, 那是一個很好的環境寫日記, postcard 及在高山上欣賞美麗的鄉村和連綿起伏的山丘, 小屋和形狀可愛的樹木. 不用出外考察時, 我們工作的地方, 就是在鎮內一間修道院中, 寬敞的房間中, 從每個窗外也可跳望不同景色, 修道院的花園, 鄉村景色 和Toscamma 典型特色的絲柏樹 La pergola, 差不多是我們每天晚上 也必光顧的地方. 我們總愛到室外的位置進餐,
因為在這個位置進餐是個很好的享受. 枱頭看就發現竹棚上吊滿着葡萄, 還有黃昏日落的景色, 就是這樣地陪伴我們吃美味的晚餐. 30/7 – 15/8 是 Radicondoli 的 Festival. 整個鎮裡也是佈置了很多 Sculpture 及裝置藝術品. 一些抽象的作品與舊城鎮的石梯, 房屋或任何一景一物也形造出出奇的配合與恊調的效果.
Surrounded by Sienese, Montagnola and Metalliferous Hill, Radicondoli is a small village in South west Siena, one of the big city of Toscanna central Italy. It only takes 2 to 3 hours to travel around Radicondoli.
Although it is small, Radicondli was once the handicraft center during the Middle Age, densely populated, highly commercial In 1300s, the Traders for wool even set up their own franchised business.
We spend one month living in Hotel
Verde Ouise, it is a 3- storey modern house. Gloria, at the age of a grandmum, and Lizzie a fresh graduate from University are my roommates.
When I have spare time in the morning, I enjoy spending time outside our house. Where there is a small hill. I would take a small table and a chair, good place for writing dairy, postcard and enjoy the view, the pretty little villages and undulating hills, the shape of the house and the trees are lovely.
If no field trip, our working place was a monastery in the village. Through the windows of this big room, we can see different parts of this countryside, as well as the backyard, garden of the monastery , and the most typical tree of Toscanna.
La Pergola, a place where we have our dinner almost every night , sits outside which is the best place to enjoy the sun-set, where growing grapes in jade color hanging from above, we watching the sun disappearing from the horizon, while enjoy our food.
At the end of July is a festival in Radicondoli. Everywhere in the village, there are sculpture and performance art decoration.
With abstract art piece mixing with the old -style stone house, the outcome was amazingly harmonious.

今天早上, 一清早起床準備今天的行程. 在Firenze車站購買好往Assia, Spoteto的車票. 現在正在火車站上, 等候着今天旅程的開始.( 11:03am ) Assis位於意大行利中部Toscanna. 這裡遼闊柔美的田原及高山葬原的景色最是吸引. Assis整個小鎮依山而 建,風景特別秀麗.
Assis是聖方濟(San Francesco)出生地, 而他死後葬於Basilia di San Francesco 這座仿羅馬哥德式大教堂,是一座宏偉的大教堂, 有無數頂尖藝術家的裝飾工作及溼壁畫. 從Via Maria dele Rose前往偉大的城寨Rocca Maggiore 1367年重建至今, 雖然仿如荒廢的城堡, 但遊覽時令人有一份動人, 幽情可憐的感覺.這是給我最難忘的印象. 在這個四通八達荒廢的古堡中,仿佛回到中世紀時代中,通過一條長達十數秒的紛暗長廊,才可摸黑踏上柒黑一片的石梯,
幸好一些遊客帶着打火機.所以我們靠着這點點的燈光往上爬. 真的沒有白廢那段黑暗的旅程一大片遼闊無際的山聯就在眼前,仿如置身在童話故事的世界裡.襯著這機會拍下這動人的時刻. 由於先前參觀旅遊書中只短短的介紹Assia所以也只打算利用半天的時間遊玩,但當置身其中時.真的感覺Assia是最美麗的城市比起書中那簡略的介紹有過之而無不及所以購買到Spoleto的車票也唯有取消. ( 5:33pm )
This morning , I wake up to prepare for today’s journey. I go to Firenze railway station to buy ticket to Assia and Spoteto. Right now, I’m waiting for the train, to day’s journey start at 11:03am.
Situated in Toscanna of central Italy. Assia is a beautiful small town in the countryside with magnificent scenery. Assis was the birth place of San Francesco. And he was buried in Basilia di San Francesco, a Gothic Church decorated with art pieces and mosaic murals by many great artists.
I walk along Via Maria dele Rose, the road led to Mocca Maggiore, Rebuilt since 1367. Rocca Maggiore still looks remote. Peace in my mind, with a little bit of sadess was what I feel when travelling in the castle, there was a very good network of road inside the castle. It just like going back to the medieval period because I have to walk in total darkness. Little by little, I am proceeding up stair. Luckily one visitor brought a lighter and that’s become our guiding light. This is worth trying because we can see such a beautiful scene. It just like being in fairy tale world. I took lots of photos here.
The travel guide book doesn’t say that much about Assis, and the suggested travel time is only half day. But when I am actually there. I think this is such a nice place that the worth spending more time in . So finally I cancelled the ticket to Spoleto and stay much longer in Assis. 5:33 pm